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Angelic Connections & the Ascension Path

Intro Angelic Experience - Jan. 4th 6PM - 7:30PM MST
Full Immersion Experience - Feb. 1st 11AM - 3PM MST

Online & In-person available


1/4/25 - $44 per person




2/1/25 - $444 per person



Bonus gifts - Angelic Workbook & Angelic Healing Light Attunement 
Online and In-person available @ Radiant Soul Center in Tempe AZ


Join us for a brand new, in-depth energy immersion into the realms of the Angels!


Our Intro to Angels Experience will be a sneak peak into working with the energies of angels and how to activate your intuitive gifts. You will be introduced to the energies of angels, how we can work with them, and how they support our awakening path.  You will also get to connect with the main healing angels as well as your personal guardian angels. You will also learn how to commune with AA Michael and AA Gabriel to support the embodiment of your highest purpose. This will be a great foundation for our more in-depth immersion experience coming up on Jan. 19th. 


Online and in-person available - register for the angelic intro here > â€‹




Full Immersion Experience - includes angelic workbook


Angelic Connections & the Ascension Path - How to connect, commune and work with angelic energies for support the embodiment of your highest potential and bring more grace into every area of your life!


Are you looking for ways to feel more connected, more joyful, more passionate in your day to day life? Are you aware of a higher purpose but unsure of how it can manifest in your human experience? Do you feel more sensitive than others and desire a deeper understanding of your soul nature?

If so, then join us for this incredibly powerful experience where we work with Angels of pure loving consciousness to create a space of Heaven on Earth for us all!


In-Person and Online Available


Register for online here:


$444 per person




In this ALL ANGEL immersive experience:
* Explore what are angelic energies and how they can assist us on our human journey
* Dive deep into awakening, ascension and how the angels can support our next level transformations
* Introduction to the Angels & Ways of Communicating
* How to connect and communicate, how to be a clear channel
* FEELING the different frequencies of the angelic energy rays
* How to work with Angels to Develop Intuition
* How to receive Guidance and Support from our personal angels
* Meditation to feel various Angels
* Angels and Developing Your Intuitive Channels
* Meditation to open and expand your intuitive abilities
* Angelic Healing for Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness
* Energy Healing techniques for balancing and healing in self, others, plants, animals and the earth.
* Angelic Support on the Ascension Journey & Everyday Miracles
* Meditation for Angelic healing and light codes to assist ascension
* Understanding Multi-dimensional Nature
* Angels and the Rainbow Light Body Connection
* Bliss meditation experience to FEEL how much the Divine loves you!


Custom Angelic Work Book (bonus gift)
Angel Light Energy Attunement (bonus gift


This is one of my absolute favorite topics, and all of the tips, tools, techniques & meditations shared will be geared towards really opening up your intuition in a whole new way, as well as helping you to feel truly supported on your ascension journey!


Angels have been around since the beginning of humankind, and their energy is here to assist us now – more than ever – as we journey along a path of soul awakening. We’ll dive deep into the energies of angels, experience the frequency of unconditional love, and explore practical ways we can connect with the Angels every day!


Connecting and communicating with angelic energy is invaluable on the spiritual path. You’ll not only feel lighter and more peaceful, but more powerful in who you are and how you may wish to share your purpose with this world.


I look forward to sharing this incredible experience with you!
Jeanette St.Germain

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