Legal Disclaimer
All Energetic Touch Therapies, Holistic Wellness Practices, Personal Certifications, Intuitions, Written Word, Life Experiences and any and all information detailed on this website and/or through any personal contact and/or remote communication are not considered "advice" or "medicine" by any legal governing body, and as such none of the information contained herein constitutes such medical or psychiatric advice; therefore the law requires the following disclaimer:
The information contained on this site and/or offered by any affiliates, energy workers, certified professionals or other such personages as presented by Sophia's Touch LLC, Jeanette St.Germain, and/or Radiant Soul Center online or in person does not constitute any sort of medical advice, expert opinion, or any other implied guarantee of diagnosing, treating, preventing or curing any condition, disease, ailment or affliction. Master Instructor and Spiritual Minister, Jeanette St.Germain and/or any of her connections, websites, digital offerings, individual and group sessions, and/or Radiant Soul Center do not offer medicine or treatment of disease of any kind, and offer no guarantee of any and all services rendered.
The information provided here is not intended to replace the services of a doctor or Physician, nor does it constitute a Doctor-patient relationship. Whilst there are amazing results reported from the use of various energetic healing techniques, intuitive abilities, holistic wellness modalities, and other systems of vibrational/energy healing, these methods represent alternative/complimentary healing practices and so should NEVER replace the care and/or advice of a doctor. Jeanette St.Germain, Radiant Soul Center or any affiliates or websites do not diagnose conditions, or interfere with GP treatments. If you have any concerns about your General health or medical conditions please seek advice from your GP.
This disclaimer is acknowledging that you are solely responsible for your consent and participation in the use of these therapies. Jeanette St. Germain and/or Radiant Soul Center/Soul Alchemy Academy do not accept liability for any information or application of techniques provided through this website, in-person or through remote communication. The information contained in this Site is for a general guidance on matters of well-being and personal and spiritual development interests only. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained in this Site has originated from reliable sources, Jeanette St. Germain and stated affiliates are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this Site is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained.
When using this site and/or any of the services outlined within, you recognize that ultimately, you are responsible for your own health, wellness, and decisions in life. Jeanette St. Germain and Radiant Soul Center are completely released from any responsibility or expectation of information for services provided, as all information should be considered at the reader/client's discretion and any guidance obtained given in the capacity of Jeanette St. Germain as an ordained Minister, offering spiritual guidance and/or information that is to be used purely for entertainment purposes only. It is understood and agreed upon that all information contained herein, as well as any and all healing, soul evolution and connection to divine truths are the sole responsibility, and subject to the discretion of, each individual participant and observer.
This information and all writing/understanding contained herein are subject to copyright, including this disclaimer.
That being said, there are hundreds of thousands of people that can give testament to the wonderful healing and enriching power of the vibrational/energy healing therapies and intuitive techniques offered here. Use your discretion, follow your own inner guidance, and Judge for Yourself!​​
Thank you, and happy journeys!
Jeanette St.Germain
Radiant Soul Center