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Awakened Love Starts with Loving Thyself

Jeanette St.Germain

Happy February Dear Reader!

Welcome to the month of love and all its associated cherub dipped whimsy...<insert slightly sarcastic eye roll>...but only I am a fervent believer in cherubs and in the ecstatic bliss that comes from two hearts truly, deeply in love...I just feel that real love melts chocolate, turns it to gold, and then sets all those hallmark cards on fire... ;)

It is indeed a time when we are looking at our love relationships, or lack thereof, more closely than other times of year, and this isn't just because of a silly holiday that says very little about real love, and oh so much about expectations we have as a society for "proof" that our dearly beloved does in fact, LOVE us...

We are looking and feeling into our relationships in new ways, now more than ever, as we are literally being bombarded with planetary energies and cosmic rays that are pushing us to see, feel, choose and BE the truth of who we really are, and our purpose here, at this pivotal moment in time. These incredible waves of higher vibrational light are washing over us, flowing to us from the sun in this solar system, as well as from the great "central sun" located at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. You could say that epic human love has now gone cosmic...

The energies we are receiving are waves of TRUTH. What is the highest truth? That we are Divine Beings created in love, as love, for love, expressing love as service to all of creation. These light waves are here, reminding us that we are love, and we are here to BE love for all to see...but how?

How can we BE and experience the truth of love, when over 50% of marriages end in divorce, when we live in a society that teaches conditional love is the only love, that more often than not we are expected to sacrifice our true desires for the comfort, security and ownership of another person? People are feeling lost, misunderstood, unable to connect with themselves, let alone a romantic partner. We cannot figure out how to love another person, as we are beginning to realize that we don't even know how to love ourselves...

This is one of the "awakening" moments we all experience on the path of spiritual to love the self...

This question pushes us to look deeper, to explore parts of ourselves that we locked away long ago because of pain or a belief system of being unworthy. As we look, we find our inner child, we find the bruised, broken parts of our hearts, and if we are very brave, we start to weave ourselves back together again, stitched through and through with these new waves of true love energy.

The light coming to us is within us, outside of us, and fully supports us in the process of unlearning all the false perceptions we have held inside, to finally uncover the truth - we are lovable, we are worthy, we are beautiful, magnificent beings capable of unlimited dreams and experiences, infinite expressions of love within our own hearts and in hearts shared with others.

Thanks to these new waves of truth energy, the old paradigms around what love is and how it should be expressed are starting to break apart. Ideas around life-long marriage and owning another person almost like property, ideas around monogamy, polyamory, same-sex coupling, and more - old judgements are falling away. People are becoming disenchanted with traditional relationship roles and are seeking more passion, more excitement, more depth in their connections. Love is being ignited in new ways, between the hearts of supposed strangers, in the eyes of those who are already spoken for, in the minds of those who cannot comprehend why they suddenly love in a way that seems to take their very breath, with no external reasoning as to why.

The truth is, Love knows no bounds, and when it is allowed to flow freely, it can change the world for the better.

How can we help love to flow? We Learn to Love ourselves...

In our awakened state, we can choose to feel awakened love, to be present with the highs and lows of the human journey, all the while being conscious of the fact that we are SOULS having a HUMAN experience, perceiving through a human lens. We can love ourselves in a way that is joyful, giddy, innocent, like children playing on a sandy beach for the first time. That is what true love feels like - playful discovery!

Awakened love means we surrender to each experience, letting go of the need to control or "be right," holding the truth of love at our core, no matter what the external circumstance. We demand reciprocity, inter-dependence, and connections that fuel the fires in our hearts, and nothing less. We understand that we are deserving of love and able to give love, holding space, listening, observing in a place of compassion and non-judgement, practicing love in each moment.

With these new energies igniting truth within us, we can choose to commit to a pathway of soul evolution through love, knowing full well that love may ask us to be together or be apart, depending on the growth cycle we are in. We can trust that each step is part of a greater plan, a grand adventure we chose before we were even born ino this life. We can connect to ourselves and each other in ways indescribable in words, utilizing love as the fuel to catapult our growth and our purpose far beyond the stratosphere...are you ready? Are you willing to let go of everything you thought was true and step into the light of a new becoming? I am...I'll see you there...

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